Three Teams

October 7th, 2013

On Saturday we went on a trip up to almost-Horsham to watch a three team football match, organised by artist Gabrielle de Vietri. I guess I don’t have any art things to say about it, but it worked really well! (gone)

A selection of videos from central Australia

September 26th, 2013

I have a new camera which doesn’t record a ‘click’ when I press a button

Outer Wilds

July 14th, 2013

From Building 100

July 6th, 2013

Yesterday I went to see the exhibition of work by the architecture masters students at RMIT, on the top floor of the very handsome building 100. The exhibition was not so interesting (architecture models and renders are weird and tacky to me), but the outdoor pavilion space is lovely: private feeling, but with great access to 360 degree view of the city.

Let’s Play: Destroy Your Home

July 3rd, 2013

Today I recorded myself playing Juliette Porée’s Destroy Your Home — a ‘Let’s Play’, they’re typically called. It’s a simple game built around Unity‘s built-in physics, the goal being to destroy your home, which is built of uncertainly stacked discrete objects. It’s the kind of game I like, more toy than game, a space for making your own games. These videos are me playing with this approach; playing, sculpting, performing—.

I would like to write more about these types of games/toys, and I have had an empty Tumblr blog reserved for the purpose. I would also like to make more, and make more videos like this.

Ways of Seeing, episode 2

June 21st, 2013

Last weekend

June 20th, 2013

Odds and bobs

June 14th, 2013

Five baseball videos

May 31st, 2013

Video Works Catalogue

May 22nd, 2013

I’m working on an online version of my video archive. I’ve only uploaded about 100 videos so far, and the website is still in development, but it’s already fun to play around with. Currently you can play 1–3 sequences of videos simultaneously, selecting them by tags.

Things I would like to add include:

  • Make videos autoplay on selection
  • Remove the Youtube ‘chrome’ but still have to remove that Youtube logo
  • Maybe remove ‘related videos’ at the end of the sequences they loop now
  • Allow order of videos to be randomised
  • Allow rearrangement of videos on the screen
  • And, ideally, make the whole thing more dynamic: generate the list of tags and playlists with code, to save myself some work.