Posts Tagged ‘Blog’

Perfume Log

Thursday, February 15th, 2024

I’ve started a new blog to keep track of notes on perfumes I’ve tried.

???? ????

I still have to add some features, primarily tags, but it’s working fine for now.

Also I finally got tags setup on my music blog. The only downside of Textpattern is that tag support isn’t built-in, and you have to fiddle with a not very well documented plugin to use them.


Wednesday, September 15th, 2021

I’ve started a new blog to collect together photos from J-pop videos.


Here are some examples from posts I haven’t made yet:


Friday, January 24th, 2020

Boring post, but over the last few days I’ve gone through the blog and updated old links, fixed some yucky CSS, and reformatted all the posts to use the no-longer-new WordPress layout mode.