Posts Tagged ‘Linux’

Clean Up Efforts Underway

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

I made a little piece of music for a film, and it’s currently up on Recess:

Clean Up Efforts Underway, by Erin Crouch, with text by Ainslee Meredith.

The music’s a cover of a song from an Ian Thorpe documentary. Making it was a nice little test of my fresh music-making setup. Nothing extravagant, just LMMS and a little MIDI keyboard, but it was nice to see it all working together, and to have an excuse to play with the software synths. People like to bang-on about the difficulty of making music in Linux, but I just ignored all that JACK stuff ’cause I wasn’t really relying on anything real-time. Hopefully I’ll have more music to post soon :)