Posts Tagged ‘Tumblr’


Saturday, May 25th, 2019

Been meaning to move a few of my Tumblr blogs over to my own web space for a while, and the other day finally logged in to start backing them up and start the transfer.

Wanted to tidy things up and delete some old blogs I wasn’t going to keep, and ended up deleting my whole account D:

So, for now, that means my illustration blog, my music blog, my facesheadsbodiesperson one, discarded diagrams, and the old antiphons thing, etc., etc. are alllllll gone.

Wayback machine only grabs the first page, if it grabs anything at all, so it’s basically useless here.

Will post updates as I slowly recreate some of them. The music one’ll be first, ’cause that’s the only one I still used.


Saturday, September 26th, 2015

Made a new website for the purposes of getting illustration work.

Just dogs and Tony Abbott up there so far↴

2020 update: lost this with my Tumblr mishap.

Drawings of Dogs

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Hi blog.

I’ve opened a shop on Etsy to sell some dog drawings:

And a Tumblr to promote a certain category of them:

It feels strange drawing again. I’m not finding it pleasurable, like I used to.

Lien drawing of a heeler pooping

Discarded Diagrams

Saturday, February 1st, 2014

A new blog project: (gone) (archive)

I have a box of books, I think all thrown away by RMIT libraries, and I’m going through and scanning all the interesting diagrams / technical drawings / and such.

VueScan is a really neat program if you have an ‘obsolete’ scanner you want to get working.

And XKit is a massive time saver if you are doing a lot of Tumblr stuff, especially tagging.


Sunday, November 18th, 2012

As a simple way to keep myself working while I’m studioless over the holidays I’ve set myself the goal of making one response per day. You can follow the project at (gone), though it’s only early days yet—day two!

It’s changed the way I engage with my days: I find I am looking at things more; thinking about them; trying to take something from them.