Author Archive

Six patterns from Whatever Happened To Green Valley?

Monday, September 21st, 2020

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Native Land is an online map of Indigenous territories, language groups, and treaties.

I remember seeing this a couple of years ago, but since then they’ve added Australian locations. This’s something I’d wanted to do myself using Open Street Map, but hey!, here it is already.

? ?


Friday, July 31st, 2020

I forgot to mention that I salvaged what I could of my old music blog, after the Tumblr mistake, and put it up at

It’s using a blogging tool called TextPattern, which I’d never used before, but I like it a lot more than WordPress. Feels really simple, gotta get your hands in and customise it, nice and DIY. More work (and the reason I took so long to mention it is that I wanted to get it setup right), but not to hard to tailor it to what you want to use it for.

I’ve been thinking about tying it to a wiki—either its own or my regular one—so artists and songs would have pages with bits of other info.—or even making it entirely wiki-based. But happy enough with it as it is now.

Roland TR-8 Pattern Sheet

Monday, July 27th, 2020

I made a simple template for recording patterns made with my Roland TR-8 drum machine.

Might add a section for recording the knobs (empty circles you mark?), as hand-doing those is a bit of a pain, and so-far that’s been most of the what I use the note space for anyway.

Example Short 23.976

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

An example of a film using a frame rate of 23.976, from Netflix.


Friday, January 24th, 2020

Boring post, but over the last few days I’ve gone through the blog and updated old links, fixed some yucky CSS, and reformatted all the posts to use the no-longer-new WordPress layout mode.

A Drawing A Day

Wednesday, January 15th, 2020

Midish last year I thought it would be a good idea to try doing a drawing each day, with no others rules.

That didn’t last long, but I did enjoy drawing in Tux Paint on a tablet I’d found. Tux Paint’s an open-source drawing program aimed at kids for touch-screen things and PCs. Seemingly inspired by Kid Pix, there are lots of fun brushes and effects, and silly sounds. I like drawing with my fingers, and smudging things and using the toothpaste brush, and just playing round. I ended up using the toothpaste brush on a CHAI fansite I made too.

Here’s everything I done, in chronological order.

Looking at them together now, they remind me a lot of paintings I did between TAFE and Uni.

Nine videos found through Default Filename TV

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

Default Filename TV is a website by Everest Pipkin for browsing videos on Youtube that use the camera’s default file naming convention. I used to like browsing these kinds of videos; I guess because my videos are framed in such a careful, cold way, I like seeing photos and videos whose composition is a product of different motivations.

(edit: turns out there’s a similar site called Astronaut that does a similar thing, though it plays videos only for a short time.)

Knowing that these, often mostly unwatched, videos are out there somewhere makes me feel good things about the world.

Clean Up Efforts Underway

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

I made a little piece of music for a film, and it’s currently up on Recess:

Clean Up Efforts Underway, by Erin Crouch, with text by Ainslee Meredith.

The music’s a cover of a song from an Ian Thorpe documentary. Making it was a nice little test of my fresh music-making setup. Nothing extravagant, just LMMS and a little MIDI keyboard, but it was nice to see it all working together, and to have an excuse to play with the software synths. People like to bang-on about the difficulty of making music in Linux, but I just ignored all that JACK stuff ’cause I wasn’t really relying on anything real-time. Hopefully I’ll have more music to post soon :)


Saturday, May 25th, 2019

Been meaning to move a few of my Tumblr blogs over to my own web space for a while, and the other day finally logged in to start backing them up and start the transfer.

Wanted to tidy things up and delete some old blogs I wasn’t going to keep, and ended up deleting my whole account D:

So, for now, that means my illustration blog, my music blog, my facesheadsbodiesperson one, discarded diagrams, and the old antiphons thing, etc., etc. are alllllll gone.

Wayback machine only grabs the first page, if it grabs anything at all, so it’s basically useless here.

Will post updates as I slowly recreate some of them. The music one’ll be first, ’cause that’s the only one I still used.