Posts Tagged ‘Digital’

A Drawing A Day

Wednesday, January 15th, 2020

Midish last year I thought it would be a good idea to try doing a drawing each day, with no others rules.

That didn’t last long, but I did enjoy drawing in Tux Paint on a tablet I’d found. Tux Paint’s an open-source drawing program aimed at kids for touch-screen things and PCs. Seemingly inspired by Kid Pix, there are lots of fun brushes and effects, and silly sounds. I like drawing with my fingers, and smudging things and using the toothpaste brush, and just playing round. I ended up using the toothpaste brush on a CHAI fansite I made too.

Here’s everything I done, in chronological order.

Looking at them together now, they remind me a lot of paintings I did between TAFE and Uni.