Posts Tagged ‘100 Free Assets’


Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

I came across a couple of mentions of my game 100 Free Assets the other day. The first is a video of someone playing it on Youtube, which led me to do a bit of proper Googling. That turned up the linked French website which says some nice things (Google Translate handles it pretty well, as best I can tell). Before these two it was featured on It’s strange hearing a stranger say your full name on Youtube.

10 Minutes: 100 Free Assets

And a while back I was directed to this German video of another game of mine, Castlevania 10. They seem to quite like it, though got stuck after the first boss (of three). Both this videos gave me big smiles, which I’ve never got from people looking at my work in galleries. (gone)

Unfortunately, because you now need a Google+ account to make Youtube comments, I can’t actually have any interaction with the makers of these videos.

100 Free Assets

Monday, November 18th, 2013

100 Free Assets was made for last weekend’s Klik of the Month Klub, as a response to this list of 100 Free Assets for Unity 3D. I downloaded as many as I could, and used them to construct somewhere interesting to explore. Some of them have built-in behaviours: for example that monster thing moves  with the player.

I’ll also mention that the website I was working on is up and running (while still being expanded upon) at Simple websites are not as much fun to make as they used to be.