Posts Tagged ‘Graphite’

Hand Game

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

I made Hand Game for an exhibition the other week. The starting point was thoughts about my awareness of my own body, and the correlation between location and body area. Over time it changed from being about bodies to focusing on hands. All the hands in this game were chosen from a bunch of 3-D scans downloaded from that 123D website I use a fair bit. It was set up in a bathroom, one of the locations I felt most in touch with my body, and was played by holding two gobs of Play-doh, which were of course able to be sculpted. I’m not making the game available as I usually would, because of its site and controller specificness, but there is a version up for people who support my game making through Patreon ;) ;) ;)

There was also a publication given away at the show, and I included some hand drawings. In these I attempted to draw my hands as I pictured them without looking at them, mostly dictated by where I felt the most weight, if that makes sense. I’ve always meant to make drawings of how I perceive my body non-visually (for ten years, at least!) so it was about time I got round to it.

I also made this other game a week or so back that I like and other people like: Japan Game.

There are more screenshots at my videogame making Tumblr blog.

Tony Abbott

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Some drawings of dogs

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

I’ve been drawing these quick, line-based drawings off-and-on for a few months now. If I am remembering correctly they began with a Google search for ‘dogs on rugs’, mostly as a fun drawing exercise while working on more serious things. Here’s a selection:

Drawing for painting

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

I’d been excited about painting again, but the painting wasn’t working. I’d forgotten how to look at people properly, and was struggling with working from a relatively unfamiliar sitter. That had been okay in the past, but now I feel like I need to know more about the head in front of me than I can get by just looking. I need to know how it feels, and how heavy it is, and how it moves, and how thick the skin is and—

So, I’ve been making these drawings of myself (they’re ordered chronologically):

Anatomy Lab

Friday, May 13th, 2011

Till now

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

I need to write something here—

My drawing and painting are close again.  Seeing what I’m showing in this post is the opposite of satisfying. Their similarity to each other, and the noticing that these shapes I drew as asides are not that anymore, worries me. I feel like I’m relying on them; like they, and their silly ‘tense’ compositions are a style.

I started the school-year with the multi-page drawing up top (finished, it had another piece of white paper collaged on to the left of the one depicted). It felt fresh, and like something of a glossary, or chart of possibilities. Above it (out of the photo) are similar shapes in string, reaching round the top of my studio walls.

They’re up here, now. Filed away. Tomorrow there will be no straight lines.

The start of the second video (Batman (Magic)) makes me smile.

I’ve finished photographing a box of lost property I found in a skip. I’m very much looking forward to making a series of posts about the contents on that near-abandoned other blog of mine.

Variable dimensions

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

It seems that whenever my drawing and painting are getting closer together they shoot off in other directions again.

Drawings, like these, are all I’ve been doing since Christmas.   Constructing them is a fairly logical process. I think of them as three-dimensional objects, and by connecting each point they become credible, even though they may give the illusion of impossibility.  I like the play between two, and three, dimensions, and how the freehand drawing adds to that.  I had the thought to make them in a 3-D modelling program, but I think they would lose a lot. Animating them (again, freehand) is something I want  to try.

I’m curious to hear if anyone else reads them as 3-D, because, so far, no one else does! Perhaps I’ve spent too much time playing old-ish videogames.

These are, of course, related to the forms I’ve used in installation, and collage.