Posts Tagged ‘RSS’

Replacing Soundcloud

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

Decided to finally get into the muck of using RSS to follow people on RSS-unfriendly site Soundcloud, so I can delete the account I abandoned there. Technically SC accounts have RSS feeds, but they’re hidden a bit.

I made a passing reference to taking my music of Soundcloud back when I did it, but here’re some tips for people who want to either host their own music and/or keep track of things without having an account.

If you have a website, having little audio (and video) players is very easy in plain HTML now. Here’s an example using an OGG file, but you can use MP3 or whatever, even multiple types at once.

<audio src="audio/audiofile.ogg" type="audio/ogg" controls></audio>

There’s more detail on Mozilla’s website (and other places) if you want to play with other features.

If you want to get RSS feeds of SC users I’m finding useful, You just put in the URL of the page and it gives you the feed.

If you’re in the mood for RSSing stuff RSS-Bridge is really handy for getting feeds from places that don’t support them (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). I’ve been using it at I’m keeping up-to-date notes on my wiki.


Monday, May 14th, 2018

I’ve been using a proper RSS reader instead of Firefox’s menu-based stuff. Because of that I’m now using RSS to read whole articles instead of just going to whatever pages, and today noticed that the RSS feeds I’ve been hand-writing from my own sites could be more useful: at the moment they’re just giving a short summary, instead of the whole post.

So I’ve been learning a bit more about RSS syntax, and wanted to update the previous post I made.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">


  • First thing I fixed is actually putting the text encoding (whoops!).
  • I haven’t included them, but there are some useful elements for dates.
  • Seems like the best way to add full articles (as well as videos and things) is by wrapping HTML within <![CDATA[]]>. Feels a bit hacky, and maybe Atom handles this stuff more elegantly, but the output is nice.


Sunday, May 14th, 2017

I finally sat down and spent 20 minutes researching making RSS feeds. They’re super simple, just a little XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">

So you make a new item set for each update. You can have multiple channels per file for things like blog posts and blog comments. You can also link multiple RSS files in the head of the HTML to a similar purpose.

So now, and all have RSS feeds.

Also I remembered that I had Google Analytics code on a bunch of websites so I cancelled that gross shit.